Here is an article on how to get the orderHash from a JavaScript object:

Getting the order hash in JavaScript:

orderHash is a crucial part of the order management process, as it serves as a unique identifier for each order. In this article, we will explore how to get the `orderHashfrom a JavaScript object.

JavaScript Object Structure

Metamask: How to get order hash?

Before exploring the solution, let's first take a look at the JavaScript object structure:

let order = {

chainId: "56",

ExchangeAddress: '0x',

makerAddress: wallet,

takerAddress: "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",

// Additional properties...


Getting the Order Hash

orderHashis a property of thechainIdproperty. To access it, you need to concatenatechainIdwith a specific string using the+operator.

Here are the steps:

  • ConcatenatechainIdwith the required string:

let orderHash = chainId + exchangeAddress;

  • Assign the resulting value to the orderHashproperty.

order.orderHash = orderHash;

Example use case

Suppose you have a JavaScript object that represents an order and you want to get its hash:

let order = {

chainId: "56",

ExchangeAddress: '0x',

makerAddress: wallet,

takerAddress: "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",

// Additional properties...


let orderHash = chainId + exchangeAddress;

console.log(order.orderHash); // Output: "56+0x"

In this example, the orderHashproperty is assigned using concatenation. The resulting value oforder.orderHashcan be used in various places where you need to reference the order hash.

Security Note

When working with sensitive data such as orders, it is essential to ensure that only authorized parties have access to the necessary information. In a real-world scenario, you would typically encrypt or secure the JavaScript object before sharing it with others. Additionally, be cautious when concatenating user-supplied strings to avoid security vulnerabilities.

I hope this article helps you understand how to getorderHash` from a JavaScript object!

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