Understanding relay-kit and safe core: deep dive into the Ethereum fees

The relay-kit, a key component of the etherum scaling solution, is often criticized for high fees. One aspect that can contribute to these high costs is a pimlicofesestor, a key algorithm used in a relay gas price appointment. In this article, we will investigate why there is an overvaluation in Pimlicofeeestor and what is behind him.

What is the Pimlicofenator?

Pimlicofeeenator is a complex algorithm that takes into account different factors for assessing the Ethereum gas price. It is designed to provide accurate estimates, but its accuracy can be endangered due to certain choices of design.

Pupering in relay

The relay is introduced to the interpreter to ensure that the estimated price of the gas is at least 1% higher than the actual price of the gas. This clipboard is used to calculate different sources of uncertainty, such as the complexity of the execution of the Ethereum (EVM) virtual machine and difficulty in the accurate assessment of gas prices.

Verifzationgaslimit and pre -Developation

The relay-kit also includes two additional parameters: verificationguslimmite and pre-defense. These values ​​are placed on a larger limit from the actual required gas price, which allows a little mistake.

Why is there overestimation?

So, why does this mechanism of buffers lead to overestimation? The answer lies in the way the relay-kit manages the pimlicofesesetor algorithm.

When the pimlicofesestor produces a higher estimated price of gas than expected, it is crucial to ensure that the actual price of the gas is not too low. If the clipboard is premature, the estimated price of the gas may be overwhelmed by even more, which leads to higher fees.

In addition, relay-kit uses a non -linear scalating factor (NLSF) to adjust the estimated gas prices based on the value of the clipboard. NLSF ensures that the estimated gas prices are not over -inflated. However, this nonlinearity can lead to underestimation when the actual price of gas is significantly lower than expected.

Justification behind the design choice

The authors of the pimlicofenator algorithm, a safe global, stated that their intention was to provide a strong and effective mechanism for evaluating the Ethereum gas price. In their opinion, overestimation of the fee may be counterproductive with the goals of the scalability of the Ethereum, which require lower transaction costs.

To mitigate this question, Safe Global has introduced several choices of design:

  • Higher clipboard values ​​: The authors have increased the values ​​of the clipboard to ensure more mistakes.

  • Nonlinear Scalating Factor (NLSF) : NLSF ensures that the estimated gas prices are not over -inflated.

  • Additional Heuristics

    Ethereum: Why is there an overestimation in the PimlicoFeeEstimator in the relay-kit and Entry Point 0.7

    : Sure global included additional heuristics in the pimlicofenator algorithm, such as the minimum value of the clipboard, to further prevent undervalued.


The overestimation of Ethereum’s fees in the relay part is a complex question that includes multiple choices of design and compromise. Although the intent of the author was to provide a strong mechanism to assess the price of gas prices, their implementation led to higher fees due to the introduction of the mechanisms of the buffer.

In conclusion, understanding the reasons behind the overestimation can help us understand the complexity included in the scaling of Ethereum. Recognizing these choices of design, we can work to improve the pimlicofesestor algorithm to provide more accurate estimates, at the same time minimizing fees.

Github storage

For further reference, you can find a safe global storage at [ Skening (

Keep in mind that this is a simplified explanation of the problem and choice of design.


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