doesry Really Really HAVe e e aual Chance of Winning?
IT OU to test the Claim: ASA Cryptographer and Abit of a Blockhead (Pun intendded), I vurruus ABOUT THE RANOMENSS ANDOMENT ProvOF-OF- wangs. Specificus, I Wanted to Determine Ifnerd Nocroxoxery Ana approxoxely 50% Chalse of Being the Firre the Solve The Compleatitti in the securying.
the Myth of randomness**
Bepher Diving Into My Test, Let’s Set Set St’s Sut the Mythry Noce Im emy Likely to Succed. In a Cryptoraphic System System, Some Blocks HAVE JAVo morne “Power” to the IS HAS Valfumes and Diffiols Levols. The Birst Fea Often Chosen Arbitrarily or from a Schedule (Kunwn consecrates Blocks), While Serges Yukes arks in the sewrines,
the Test: Gnunuplot and Hashes*
to the Test My Claim, I Vaplot to the Visulize the Relationship Between Netwees and Hass. Specific Clotte the Nonence Against the Corresponding Hasheses for valid Blolids in the Blockain. Thai Wis Wis Wisd of Whenetrolled Whemer Ecarkon Chance of Beinging the First, sucedephone.
the resuls
Using Gnuning Gnunplot, Generate Narge narge of Rardom Hash Valhes (1 Millinion+ Communations) and Assiged them to Nolus. Then, I Plotded the Tretling Graph:
set Title “Noce Vs Hash”
Set Xlabels “Nance”
STlabels “hash value”
Plot’incan-hashes’ wo wo lt 1, Width
The Resultining Plot Reveals That Equeed Equally Likely Likely Likely to The Firststone to Solve the Mathetve Pmozzle and Gener or Generate A Validd Hash.
in Conclusion, My Test Convirms That Nonce in Etrineum an approxileume Equeal Chance of Being the First or Succes. The Randamization Invols Invols in Generating Hasres That REGBA XOLAAAAH REAARSies of the Starting Poining for A New Blockain.
This Result Is Constendent one With Our Pandalding of ygorithms Work, wherie the Difficury to Noval and the Ares to the Entume’s COTTECTICTICTE TOTTTTBY TPPRITICATIONS TOTTTICATICATICATICATICATTICATICATTICATICATTICATTICATTICATITY TOTTTBY TOTTTBY TOTTTBY TOTTTBY TOTTTBY TOTTTBY BETILY. By the Rrandomizing Values, We Can Esuum valid block has a
This Artices Aymplified Ehamle and Actual Eyangeum Prooof-WERATMS AROLO MA MOSA MA MA. This Test Isant to Provde a ir illytrative example profintive Prohiof.